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Happy Birthday, Dad

You’ve always been An inspiration to me When I was growing up You looked like a giant to me You still do Like when you were On the front page Of the New York Times I was star struck I could hardly believe It was you You've always been An inspiration to me Like when you shook President Reagan’s hand I was mesmerized I still have the picture After all these years While meeting celebrities Is a common occurrence I was so proud to be Your daughter I knew you were Somebody important You’ve always been An inspiration to me Like when I visited your 46th street Manhattan apt For the summer You took me to your fancy office At the Radio Advertising Bureau I was so impressed You’ve always been An inspiration to me I wanted to grow up to be just like you And even though I have deviated from Accomplishing my dreams I still have you as my inspiration For when I finally succeed You’ve always been An inspiration to me Not because Of any accomplishment But because you’re my Dad And because I love you Happy Birthday!

Copyright © | Year Posted 2011

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