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Happy Birthday Beautiful

Thou beautiful maiden with no fears A thousand roses do not compare to your beauty You shine like the morning sun and; Speak like the faintest wind upon my bosom Almost like water running over pebbles Your smile lightens even the saddest heart You are kind, so funny and warm You are amazingly special Thou beautiful maiden with no fears A thousand words cannot explain my feelings for you It is sweet, but it also simple, pleasant and passionate For how does anyone describe a miracle- It is indescribable, for no words can fit, no words will do justice It is why it is called a miracle, something new, unexpected, unbelievable It surpasses expectations and blows all imaginations Just like you- You are amazingly special Thou beautiful maiden with no fears I wish you would live a thousand years and remain beautiful So, the world will continue to enjoy the miracle that is you While that is a long time to come, I will celebrate your new year and; hope it leads you closer to your purpose And as you continue your journey to impact your world; May you always be warm and wise And face everyday with love and hope Happy Birthday Beautiful, with all my love!

Copyright © | Year Posted 2019

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Date: 5/7/2019 11:56:00 PM
Wow! That's a nice poem. Special birthday dedication
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Aladeshawe Avatar
Adeshina Aladeshawe
Date: 5/8/2019 1:20:00 AM
Thanks Brother. It is truly dedicated to one I love dearly
Date: 5/7/2019 11:47:00 PM
beautiful poem penned on birthday; every birthday comes with new experience on this earth......///
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Aladeshawe Avatar
Adeshina Aladeshawe
Date: 5/8/2019 1:20:00 AM
True words. Thanks!
Date: 5/7/2019 11:35:00 AM
Such a beautiful and breathtaking free verse!! IT Blew me away.. I really enjoyed this beauty!! Have a blessed day!
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Aladeshawe Avatar
Adeshina Aladeshawe
Date: 5/7/2019 3:07:00 PM
Thanks R. Your words are sweet....

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