Good listener, please lend your ear
To share my history
Before I take the poison drink,
I’ll tell you my story.
They’re coming even now to take
The city that we love
And hope is often lost and so
My tale i’ll tell you of.
When Carthage took upon itself
To find by light of day
A general? Well your in luck!
Great Hannibal did say.
He planned to cross the mountains great
Twas thought the only way,
But first to cross the river Rhone,
Great Hannibal did pray
The river Rhone rose up and warned
Don’t cross my waters grey!
No way to cross? Then all was lost
Great Hannibal did say
Then at once stood Hannibal
We’ll cross by th’end of day!? Take down those trees to make a raft
Great Hannibal did say
Over the water blue they went
Lined up in an array
And now to Rome and battle great!
Good Hannibal did say.
Due north he found an obstacle
That willed him to give way,
The northern tribes with battle cries
Great Hannibal did slay.
The biggest problem now was here
Across the mountains stray
“Great danger now we face, my men,”
Great Hannibal did say.
Across the mountains none did think
That they would last a day
Just one more hill or mountain top,
Great Hannibal would say
The crew were weary lost and torn
That made them curse the day
“But we are almost there, you see?”
Great Hannibal did say.
And soon enough the walls of Rome
Rose up as if to say
Who ventures here with war in mind?
Come greet us at our gates!
But in the Roman city there
Scipio here to stay
“No one can beat us, no one can,”
Great Hannibal did say.
At Rome’s great gates for 15 years
He waited patiently
We can’t stay here, for food is dear,
Great Hannibal did say.
So he turned back to Carthage’s gates
But met along the way
Scipio and his army great
Hannibal could not slay
When all was done his quest was lost,
And Rome would live too great,
A treaty signed so punishing
That Carthage lost its gate.
And Hannibal the general
That lost the city too
Was forced to go to lands beyond
And help as best he could.
Copyright © Ailish Peterson | Year Posted 2012
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