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How could you pass by so eccentrically! Didn’t you see me for even an instant? Wearing the same evening gown you walked, Adjacent to the car I was stuck! I couldn’t believe my eyes, How could it really be? You were so apathetic, You seemed walking to your own, As if, it were a walk to the Moon! No stop over, no curve, no care for to and fro, It seemed like a goal was set fixed for you! Just splashed once, and then walked straight in the rain. Dad, you passed away ten years ago No, it can neither be you, nor your shadow! Dad, was it really you, or my imagination? I called you back, but you were never seen again. Still on my way the same daily, I look for you again and again keenly I don’t see you, neither your moon-walk, Are you okay with your own, wherever you are? Dad, its poor me, your forlorn daughter, Don’t be so firm, please response ever! From wherever you are! Just send me a smiley face once, It will console my compassion, I’ll stay contented forever.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2015

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