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Halloween Is Around the Corner

Poet's Notes

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An updated version of this poem for you all soupers...

Altering air patterns Crispier dusk tones Nights’ earlier onsets Sun’s late rises Changing leaf colors Trees’ fiery flairs Scattered acorns and pine needles Halloween is around the corner Ghosts and vampires Goblins, ghouls and skeletons Webs of humongous spiders Witches and Jack-o’-lanterns Black cats lurk Spooky bats and owls flutter Crescent moon’s shiny silver Halloween is around the corner Pumpkin shades of orange, auburn and ginger costume displays in stores Candy containers in shops’ every corner Eager children gearing up Sweet scents from burning candles Aromas of pies cooked with cinnamon Spicy warm apple cider Halloween is around the corner

Copyright © | Year Posted 2019

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Date: 10/15/2019 7:39:00 AM
You have created the scene of a wonderful neighborhood preparing for the arrival of Halloween. Really nice.
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Smita Kulkarni
Date: 10/15/2019 1:41:00 PM
Yes, the neighborhood is looking very halloweeny :) Thanks for visiting and leaving a nice comment Chris!

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