Hallelujah To the Father-To the Son
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Let the people of the world say
Some of them say there ain’t no way in…
With all the troubles and turmoil in this day
Seems like there ain’t no way, ain’t no way
Let the church say, Amen
Let the people of this world pray more;
Let the church say, Amen
Let us stand and affirm on God’s holy word
Let the voice of Christ unite us;
Let the book of Psalms, excite us;
Let’s sing, unto our King Let’s sing praises to God
Hallelujah to the Father
Hallelujah to the Son
Hallelujah glory to the heavens
Hallelujah to each of us the angels and everyone
Mercies graces
God displaces
Jesus died for everyone
So that none us would fall…
Hallelujah to the Father
Hallelujah to the Son
Hallelujah glory to the heavens
Hallelujah to each of us the angels and everyone
Let the people of the world say
Some of them say there ain’t no way in…
With all the troubles and turmoil in this day
Seems like there ain’t no way, ain’t no way
Let the church say, Amen
Let the people of this world pray more;
Let the church say, Amen
And if you all believe in all He’s done;
Come on
And sing, alleluia
And Say Amen. . .
Written words by James Edward Lee Sr. 2020©
From anthology “Praise Worthy”
Copyright © James Edward Lee Sr. | Year Posted 2020
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