Hair Trim
Yes, there was much giggling and pretended screams of fright at zombie-dad pursuit
Now Helen’s a grown young woman and I don’t chase her round the garden fruit
Trees. The years have added to her grace, but subtracted from mine evidently
So we simply sit and have conversations of this or that and we laugh gently
At events which amused us both in years gone past, long disappeared days.
My daughter has the same droll way with ideas and zany turn of phrase
Nowadays she’s what they would call a natural born lateral thinker
But when she was four, what I called a natural born lateral stinker
Just before we’d pretend to cut her hair with the hedge shears
While all her friends watched, with eyes wide with fears
And she’d pretend to be extremely vexed
And then I'd yell out loud “Ok, who’s next?”
Then shrieking and giggling they all ran
Away from the zombie man
Who cut children’s hair
Daily over there
In the garden
Of Helen.
Copyright © Sidney Beck | Year Posted 2012
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