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Some of us like to live by our habits Which keep us inside the boundaries of our cozy fit Try to change them a little And brain starts throwing fits Identify the habit you want to change Pay close attention to autopilot movements Let go of repetitions, routines and triggers Make conscious efforts to set a changed behavior Ignore the brain one day to see what happens Pleasant surprise is in order Brand new side opens up To try different tradition Stepping out of comfort zone Shows courage and open heart Taking first step with awareness Encourages new start Let those neurons fire to form new networks Which makes brain more alert and perkier Just by changing one habit in your circle And creating a new meaningful one that matters

Copyright © | Year Posted 2019

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Date: 1/6/2024 2:21:00 AM
Good one, Smita: It takes about a month to form a new habit and I agree it is good to be mindful and take corrective action. A wise little poem that more should see. Hugs, SuZ
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Kulkarni Avatar
Smita Kulkarni
Date: 1/6/2024 9:31:00 AM
Thank you Suz :) -Smita
Date: 7/18/2019 12:51:00 PM
Good advice. Kind wishes, Kai
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Kulkarni Avatar
Smita Kulkarni
Date: 7/18/2019 2:11:00 PM
Thank you Kai! -Smita

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry