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… scattered jazz, haunted gnarls of octupi-night staggering between semen-splinters of stars pain-fornicating in my collective gutter, my disheveled cells oozing your black and softer gold burning silence in a heathen writhe between my ears dancing on the cusp: my dead-zone ecstasy defiling corrupting and seduction-raping the industry of numbness, toilet-scream from between legs: slave of avoidance whore of denial death in a vacuum naught ever happening until it’s time to drain blood from the radiator in the cross-hairs of crucifiction, copulation of seven-inched nails click of steel, snap of heels, tails, tongues flickering to embrace the gutters of my cells reaching for unopened chapters strewn through sanctified pain, and I waiting for your drive through the brothel of my mind, forsaken lashed to the altar, my anguish screeching our prayers, your black, softer gold annihilated to smoke ravishing the reek spiraling up from my nostrils, your unspeaking crawl through catacombs whispering mouldering truths under my fingernails scraping remembrances from your hair caressing cathredrals rent into matchsticks to prop heaven apart, shriven thighs toxic-anointed sighs, poison of my ache for the healing venom of your eyes, soothing darts of darkness bathing dead-zone paramids with the musky perfume of sorrow and floundering celebration dug from primordial pits by scrabbling fingertips clutching for a remnant of your heart wrapped in wonder around my pulse staggering, ragged edge of jazz scraping across windowpanes in a shriek freezing the soul of god and dried ice begging to plunge into embers of your blood lost in my veins running from room to room in my house, our house, teddy bear, knothole yawns and oven with gaping jaws, medicine cabinet of numbness, sobbing pills ceiling lowered to a stoop, tatters patterns snow-crystals following a trail through our window into traffic jams of children cascading out of the chapel – my gutter-cell longing to be unlocked by the sound of your voice… … ressurection in the octupi-night…

Copyright © | Year Posted 2010

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Date: 9/5/2010 4:09:00 PM
enjoyed in a dark dream kind of wrote the poem great!
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