Guinea Book-Pig
At four she was a guinea pig
For a rising college geek
‘Cause the kid was talkative
Perfect brain to take a peek
So the testing started there
Little questions never ended
Hungry little mind was bright
Former life was now suspended
Didn’t jazz and didn’t play
Let her mournful dogs run wild
Didn’t swing and didn’t climb
Became a different, sober child
Read newspapers, wanted more
‘who is what and what is why’
Annoyed the neighbors and her cats
‘tell me how to testify!’
Reading things beyond her years
‘here’s a book, now zip it up’
No one paid attention what--
So she read to fill her cup
In the summer age of seven
Brother studied long and hard
Morte D’Arthur spent the night
Flashing with his mighty sword
Dashing all the summer long
With the heroes of the Table
Rode and battled, saved the day
Brushed her horse in Arthur’s stable
Ulysses sailed in close behind
Wicked Sirens plied their trade
Then a buddy left a Fleming
Full blown sex was then displayed
So she passed the books around
To the friends who had no sources
Little girls with Barbie dolls
played at passion and divorces
What a start to what a life
Wouldn’t have it changed a bit
But if Mother would have known
Certain she would have had a fit.
By Victoria Anderson-Throop ©
November 30, 2012
Copyright © Victoria Anderson-Throop | Year Posted 2012
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