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Greenswards Fecundity Will Soon Bloom Away

Quite mild winter weather bourne this way within environs of Perkiomen Valley since latter months of 2021, but also since me January 13th, 2022 birthday, I predict minimal snowfall for remainder of 2022 winter, what with just couple weeks until Spring Equinox. Within lil more'n a fortnight, as tempestuous slam dunk March madness closes curtain call “in like a lion, out like a lamb,” twill hove tested survivability, asper flora, thru harsh winter, and those most see ring robust will pass exam unbridled love bursting asunder cavorting, frolicing, instigating wham bam thank you ma'am lollygagging, orchestrating, romancing while birds and bees pollinate jam ming, humming, fostering sensational slam dance, where flora lifts, wafts, and yawps invoke warble, gurgle, burble from baby in pram. Meanwhile latent Mother Earth quite pregnant with multifarious potent new life vermilion, violet ready to burst asunder from Gaia's girth dramatically altering landscape with expectant birth of animal and plant species distilled within crucible, sans terra firma hearth quite a contrast, when polar vortex wrought dearth whence Spring begets plenti kindling, snapchatting, and twittering mirth. Also uniquely designed hue man denizens of every stripe nurse tender affection expressing amorous poetry and verse rejoicing, the dead of winter, and attendant frostbite curse frozen folks felled, thence carried away in horse drawn hearse, where heavy grief ameliorated as natural holistic narcotic brings pacific balm, calm, and psalm snapping, crackling, and popping wide web with electric ambient ancient, yet contemporary music punctuating the air with lulling lyric since time immemorial recognized as greatest soporific equally savored, whether devout or atheistic nonpareil eclectic dreamy harmonic melange cathartic aural, diurnal, integral quintessentially converging harmonic, democratic, and anthemic congregation replete with fantastic incorporation, viz diversity galactic!

Copyright © | Year Posted 2022

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