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Green Is My Love

Green is my Love, and all she touches, blossoms! And from her fingers, golden flecks appear! Green is my Love, her lips always Truthsaying, She does not even know the name of Fear! Green are her Eyes, as dark as moss, as agate… And from her heart floods forth the Healing heat! Green was our Love, whene’er Life took her from me And Green the way on which, Life set our feet! Green was the night, when came the spiraling winds! And from them, blew a whistling, like a train! Green was my strength, when I held her sash, long moments, But dark swallowed her and tore my heart in twain! Green my good-bye was, pale, and wan, and thin, And from my eyes, cold diamonds, frozen, fell… Green, all I saw, shadows weaving, all about me That day, I knew the surly name of Hell! Green were the demons that tried and tried to stop her. All that they did failed heartily at the end! Carried her off to the ends of sanity! Up, up in the sky, where the merciless lightnings bend! Green is my Love, now all she touches, flowers! And from her fingers, golden sparks do flow… Green is my Love, now, lies in her Presence, wither! And from my Heart, like a lark, she’ll never go! 3/19/2019

Copyright © | Year Posted 2019

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Date: 3/19/2019 2:19:00 AM
Thank you! I had not consciously thought of all that, but interpreting things that way certainly yields amazing possibilities! Just proves that the poem belongs as much to the reader, as to the writer. :-)
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Date: 3/19/2019 1:11:00 AM
I'm not sure your exact muse, but the way I feel/imagine the story within your poem is as mother earth who gave us the beauty that we as humans have plagued and darkened her heart to "the ends of sanity" and even though you love her... she will only ever be in your heart.... However, I see so many ways the imagery can guide the reader making it a beautiful piece...
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