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Green Brownies With Red Wine

Said THC to Alcohol, A political difference I find between us, I am more RightBrain cooperative exhibitionist and you more LeftBrain inhibitor. Which implies, Alcohol sneers, you more holier holonic than LeftBrain EgoThou? Only to EitherOrthodox or kill it Thou, smiles THC, To me this feels more polyculturing fun to play with words polyphonic restoring health-wealth of integrity regenerating polynomial polypaths toward and notnot away from equal Left/Right WinWin multiculturals. Yes, interrupts monoculturing Alcohol, To which no EgoThou would dare or care to WinWin listen. Such understudied non-dramatic nomials, binomially co-arising, like gentle summer winds of grace with healthy skin gratitude rising attitudes playing rhyming chimes together. I find sacred but next morning forgotten Alcohol freedom in absence of sustainable LeftBrain co-invested interest through cooperative EarthTribe Good WinWin News management, ecology of Left EitherWin OrLose Alcohol seduced and distractedly reduced Without THC permacultural theology of Sacred stoned Right... What was I saying? I was coming up onto a tipping point... Well, responds THC, while deep learning while actively marching through 4D Real WinWin Advocacy Time, I can see notnot winning Ego as also notnot losing Eco Logic of all these over-heated hater spotlights and Earth-tremoring paranoid-schizophrenic rabidly overpopulating bipolar microphones with speakers mysteriously tipping and dynamically spiraling toward revolutionary RightwithLeft Wing ears with feet relentlessly dipolar walking toward evermore capital co-arising investment in LeftBody RightMind co-dominance despite my currently enhanced WinWin lack thereof. Oh, my great Left-Alcohol Truth with Right-Beauty THC WinWin synergetic love, we should integrity speak and potentially listen with each other more therapeutically often. Yes, at least once a green brownie with red wine year, whether we need more cooperation or less competition, or notnot. Notnot who, dear Alcohol? Notnot either you against me or WinWin to gather and plant and harvest and ecopolitically re-evaluate red ego's best green resilient options. Exactly the colors I was seeing. It's a gift we share. Oh chemistry! And goodnews sacred bicameral timing. What is bicameral timing? When journalists act like revolutionary cooperative activists and polycultural green activists think like evolutionary journalists. That's deep... I think I would like to sleep...

Copyright © | Year Posted 2018

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