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Greatest Show On Earth

The greatest Show on earth can be found when the circus comes to town. All the adults and children gather around it's under the big top where they can be found. A three ringed circus has all the attractions so, step up an experience the action. The ring master prevails with his whip top hat and red tails. He presents all the attractions giving all such great satisfaction. Tight rope walking, man shot from canon, trapeze artists fly through the air as though without a care. Man eating tigers can be seen, in a cage, in the center ring. The man eating tigers do what the trainers desire even jumping through rings of fire. Then there is a dancing bear doing summersaults in the air. Ten seals on pedestals in a circle tossing around a ball that is purple. Animal balloons can be made by humorous clowns that don't have to be paid. The finale is a parade elephant's trucks clasping tails lead the way. The circus is ready to perform another day.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2019

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