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Grease Monkey

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Oil and grease. The why of a poetic child’s denial that a father’s departure was death, knowing..

Grease Monkey Rainbows by Odin Roark How colorfully the reflective smears ignited the senses. How sinuous the undulating slick remained forever permanent, its unintentional abstracts made prescient. Dank syrup of engines idle, spilled upon aged concrete where the mechanic beneath rusted warriors drained yesterday's tensile stress, fresh loading tomorrow's fluid to live. How focused his oily footprints remain, now aloft riding the escort of Valhalla, gliding upon colors of other-world palettes, yet remaining forever heroic, forever indelible, in a little boy’s perpetual memory. Yesteryear’s ever present ether continues embracing, bestowing a blinding courage for the senses to endure, even as the buried vestige remains dark. The smell revered. The smooth touch esteemed. The unbridled colors forever a reminder of love. Diesel rainbows, still rippling in this man-child’s quiet ebb.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2015

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