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Gravitational Whims

( "Write the truest sentence you know." - F. Scott Fitzgerald ) Variant plurals suffering suffixation's whims; fly-tomatoes and the valley boo-mouse, when the sheep alumnus in a mother-in-law seed, animosity-cat tiptoes in the church alchemy, genetic forty-winks sing noun names; brag and blame. Go to the spy picnic early, the heavy earth hides, the shy long-cot swings over the screeching pond. She wont let me say the words; I love her, an ice-cream non-communist with a gypsy-grace and a smorgasbord-rub, ( I have tone-deaf toothpaste and my megawatt chow miens) It’s enough to make you gang your hemihedral in a jolt-wagon. Someone aught to have better sea-sense. Not me- I’m palm-crucified. My bulls-eye is a hearse! She might marry me to a multi-syllabic drainage or I might climb the scrupulous oak.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2016

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Date: 10/5/2016 2:15:00 PM
Hemingway gave this to my father after a weekend drunk-capade. - Habana, Cuba -'59 :)
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Robert Warlov
Date: 10/6/2016 1:35:00 AM
A critique/complaint of the English language. Some expressions fr. etymological dictionary. some are old; 1800's, others fr. England or other english speaking nations. Ireland is a rich source. Hemingway and my father had nothing to do with it.

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