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Gratitude and Candor

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Written: March 2024 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Hold a revered status globally. Strength only shines through when the glow appears. unfolding behind them. I sought out darkness. I searched everywhere but found none. I peered into my heart, discovered the largest one. Gently, my heart beats.  The future unfolds predictably.  Sailors had many vessels for water.  Fruits won't appear through force. Explore all available books.  Wisdom is gained, not conferred.  Insight for the enlightened. Four letters embody love. We set out from our homes. Our heads were shrouded with dust. We bravely dodge forward.  grasping our lives in our hands. Within our mortal gathering  existence is but a visitor, A deep longing drives us.  to achieve sacrifices. Youths pursue success with enthusiasm.  wielding blades to achieve their aims.  The process exacts a bloody toll.  but the stars shine on those  who demonstrate their love.  and pitch their place in history.  through daring and sacrifice. The ego within forced me to resist. But now I wish I had effused a love mist. With aplomb and flair, I left it there. For self-aware souls passing by who opt to pair. I was so afraid of being seen. Of being judged, of being keen, I hid my true self away. And let my ego have its say. Now I realize, I am worthy of love,  including yours.  I am flawless just the way I am.  and I am ready to stand up for myself. I'm letting fade of my ego. And letting love flow And I'm ready to be unfurled. I'm Opening my heart to the world.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2024

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Date: 3/15/2024 12:17:00 AM
The line existence is (but a visitor) jumped Out to me Sotto..But all in all a write for us All.' Maybe in the curve of learning.' That is The time to look up? We might get a glimpse Of either end of our journey.? Thank you For posting.!
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Date: 3/11/2024 6:57:00 AM
Funny that this reminds me that we are perfect. Our imperfections are also perfect. It’s a good thing to feel good about yourself.
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Date: 3/10/2024 3:41:00 PM
Inspiring words my friend: Now I realize, I am worthy of love, including yours. I am flawless just the way I am. and I am ready to stand up for myself--The ending line is also very powerful, Lasaad.
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Date: 3/10/2024 11:46:00 AM
Beautiful word weaving, your words here are simple but powerful and very eloquently woven in such a delicate manner, i love the lines “Now I realize, I am worthy of love, including yours. I am flawless just the way I am. and I am ready to stand up for myself.” A point of realization that not many get to experience, as so many find themselves hating their inner selves, and not liking what they see within, because of so many experiences in their lives, but i admire reading poems with such
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Ink Empress
Date: 3/10/2024 11:47:00 AM
Positivity, sometimes we look for what want from somewhere else while it is all within us, even light; whatever you write is soulful and creative and impeccable! Another excellent write it is! Pleasure reading this

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