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I have been waiting to see Things meant to be I have taken my life far from where I started I will always miss the dearly departed Time has passed on by But for them I still cry I feel so small under the night sky I find myself still wondering why I'm still here Stepping past any fear Looking to my past Life has snuck by so fast Memories sneak by A silent tear falls from my eye Hard to rise after a fall Grateful that I can still stand tall I see so much In a world out of touch I try to stand apart Keep the love in my heart But different than I was when I did start Older Bolder Colder A heart that easily can melt When love is felt Hard to stand alone This life has shown Family makes me strong The battle has been long Times I was wrong But at times I was right Doesn't keep me warm during a cold winter night My heart is tired Not so easily inspired But I did my best Time to rest I hope I passed the test

Copyright © | Year Posted 2024

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