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Granny's Love

GRANNY'S LOVE: On every matter, she keeps me counseled, So that any wrong plans would be cancelled. When I'm down, she gets me revived, And by her love, I strongly get survived. Nurtured me from childhood as a great granny; Empowering me from a boy to a good daddy, Inculcating into me a well-set power, For me to stand as an outstanding Tower. Urging me to pray and study the bible, In order for my life to be equipped and able. She's such a selfless person, Who regards the state of her family. Abysmally, her dream got missing, Which truly affected her life so badly. She went through a tough childhood, And It's evident in her speech and livelihood. Hence, don't wish anyone to also go through same, As she's fighting for our future to be safe. Whenever she hears from me, The conversation holds a good endgame. Her heart grows happily, and it gently beats. Ever wishing the best for me, regardless, Since she don't want my life to be acrimonious. When she don't hear from me for a while, Then she holds me with speculations as she enquires. Initially, I used to grow mad at her sometimes, Making her mostly feeling worried. But she forgave me without even me saying sorry. I thought she was still treating me like a child, Until later, I've realised her words are life guide. I thank Jehovah for my granny, And I pray she keeps blessing her for me.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2022

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