Grandma's Owl
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There was an owl that lived in a tree behind his grandma’s house who, during the day, stayed our of sight…but who, when he slept at Grandma’s, loved to wake him up…in the middle of the night.
He once was afraid of the dark and the noises he would hear…but that old owl in his grandma’s tree cured him of that fear.
He remembers the first time he was sleeping, with his nightlight on, in Grandma’s cabin by the lake…when that old owl interrupted his dream and asked, “Are you awake?”
He saw her out the window perched in grandma’s tree…on the lowest limb and he remembers thinking…that old owl is smiling in at him?
?Curious…he went to the window…while in the safety of his room he stayed…and he asked, “Don’t you know it’s dark out there…how come you’re not afraid?”
“In the night is when I do my living.” she said. “I’m don’t go to bed til dawn…and you would not believe the things I see when the sun is gone.”
Then she proceeded to tell him things she sees at night and stories of the darkness deep…So many stories that before he knew it…he was fast asleep.
And the next night she was back…in the same spot as the night before….and after so many nights listening to that old owl…he wasn’t afraid of the darkness anymore.
He enjoyed those nights she’d wake him up…from her perch on the lowest limb…he enjoyed knowing when he went to the window she’d be smiling back at him.
And he’ll never forget how his fear of the dark with all its chirps and hisses and howls…
was cured those nights at his grandma’s house when he was awakened by an owl.
Copyright © Jim Yerman | Year Posted 2022
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