Grampa's Revenge
I see him sitting by the radio
Ears cupped to hear the score
Won’t wear his hearing aid,
Says he doesn’t need it any more
Grandma’s watching television
(Lawrence Welk is on tonight)
They argued every Sunday
But he never won this fight!
The Yankees were in the playoffs
Grandpa pleaded to no avail
He even tried to bribe her
But Grandma would always prevail
She loved the Champagne Lady
And all the bubbles shimmering down
And the lovely voice she had
And, of course, the beautiful gown
Then, Grandpa would turn the volume up
So the Umpire could be heard
And Grandma would start to shout
That she couldn’t hear a word!
They argued over everything
Yet in retrospect I can see
Their marriage was really fine
Grandma was inconsolable
For months after Grandpa died
She never left the house again
She just sat inside and cried
But I knew Grandpa had the last word
And things would never be the same
The day that I found Grandma
Watching the Yankee Game!
Copyright(c) Beatrice Boyle
(All rights reserved)
Copyright © Beatrice Boyle | Year Posted 2011
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