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Grammar School Day Dreaming

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My Religious Studies School Class
At the back of the class on the seat of a wooden writing desk Like a thinner version of Billy Bunter, ink blots and all. Ensconced with both eyes open, listening, but body drifting This was Religious Studies in the old school attic classroom. My name is Michael, the boys call me "Michael Smichael". In my daydream, I am the Archangel Michael on my throne Seated to the right of the Almighty whose holy voice booms, "Archangel Michael, all is not well in the Earthly World". I turned to my left to reply, when I was struck by a piece of chalk. "Michael", says the Very Reverend Welch David Davis "Repeat my last sentence". I reply "All is not well in the Earthly World". Says the very Reverend Welch David Davis, "And why is that Michael?". "Too much day dreaming, instead of paying attention", says I. The other boys chorus, "Michael Smichael gets yet another detention". "Report to the 'Sergeant at Arms' after school for one hour", Booms the Very Reverend Welch David Davis.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2018

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Date: 5/4/2018 11:36:00 AM
Sigh! It all seems so familiar; except we had Miss Beaumont, a spinster of a certain age who could not throw chalk, but could give detention.
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