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Graces For the Loved and the Lost

Graces for the Loved and the Lost To the sweet graces afforded to us from above To the hand of tender guidance that is only born from Love To the broken boxer taking off his boxing gloves To the man living on the edge when push comes to shove For the certainty which overcomes me When your true nature is the only thing that I see Because I’ve been down on bended knee Talking to the man from Gallillee Wisdom of the purest formation Segregation of the sovereign nation Elevation of the situation A conversation that combats degradation A pure droplet of beauty coming down from the sky The shimmering light in a child’s perfect eyes A reason to fight against corruption and lies A breathless exhalation in between all of my sighs I’ll climb the length of the breadth of this planet we live on Just to hear you tell me to rise up and be strong Ascertaining the difference between right and wrong Telling a story to an audience that was a little too long It takes my breathe away to hear just one of your songs I don’t know what to say except “pass me the bong !!” Can’t the human race just learn to get along? While we stand there in silence and listen to the ancient Chinese Gong Predict the coming of the ending of an age It’s only for the brutally brave But you’ll probably do it anyway Before you stand up and say what you need to say Claim respect from the sky I always pause to ask the question “Why?” There are so many reasons why I cry My sorrow is not something I could ever deny I just want to tell and write the truth Because I lost what was left of the remainder of my youth Maybe fly down a phone booth on the back of a mousse using blue tooth ? I used to be somewhat of a competent wordsleuth But everything now is so very sub-standard I think of my work quality and it makes me feel awkward It’s all been reduced to simplicity and basic expression It comes from a decade of living in repression I want to feel the essence of living again Of what it means to feel joy and to be your best friend I was so sick and angry that all I could do was offend And so broken I could not sit,stand or even bend So the horrors of living have left me quite jaded After all the glory has gone and my image has faded There’s nothing left other than what is to be contemplated And the only thing that I could feel was deflated But you have given me a glimmer of hope So I’ll cancel my meeting with the Catholic Pope And stop looking at trees with my hangman’s rope And keep up the good fight and start to just cope

Copyright © | Year Posted 2023

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Date: 8/9/2023 4:59:00 PM
My friend, I love the title and the poem to me is a masterpiece. Simply brilliant, a gem and a fav.. God bless.
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