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Gott Mit Uns

lonely as a dried up hero legend only to the past, as a world moved on from foolish children’s faith, energy of generations arrives at perigee, blown out like flatulence snuck into polite conversations, snide groupthink on a notion of good sport and fair play, while eyes and hands itch to turn main street into charnel houses, the foolish ones barking dulcet tunes get frog marched to the wall, can it even be, anymore with visions dead, above in a hawk eye clear cold wind and azure sky, high over every thing, everything the squabble, the blood the raging teeth, godless empires and ideal, the line of never ending human hearts blazed away, flaring like desert sun, burning, shining like moon rockets over the sea of tears below, the very world gives off a sickbed air, damned damn damn the creator for demanding to know ourselves before we know forgiveness, of chemicals, of realpolitik, of biocentric theorem, a life, like this republic, if we can keep it... gott mit uns.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2014

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