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Goodhumor Issues

I've felt it said here time and again That a personal issue is also about political tissue reconnecting economic responsibilities risks opportunities fiscal annual perennial Centers of felt pleasure and good humor are Passions, not only small and great transitional but resonantly resiliently multi-anecdotal, Excluding all DisPassions DeGenerations and humorless passions actively resisting future dispassions, loss suffering mortality and all that dualistically dark stuff, sensory tissue memories of sacred issue images My peculiar ecosystem co-empathically admiring Ultra NonViolet rainbow spectrally ionic Heaven multiculturing emergent organic ironic Paradise And personal political insider trading in Gospel EmPowering PassionStories co-emerge eco-Paradise here with ego-Pleasure now, sacred place with historically enculturing triangulated bilateral tipping pointed hierarchical and reverse root systemic revolutionary upside-down EarthHealth PleasurePower anticipating more HeavenWealth ParadiseLight win/win peace-viral evolutionary PanSensory bicamerally enlightened eco/ego double-binary unboundaried trans-empowerment. And so I try to co-discern discuss cooperatively dialogue about whom I am supporting, investing in, and why I might reasonably expect mutual win/win health/wealth outcomes. And, on the other hand, when such mutual intention becomes and belongs within anti-losePleasure/loseHumor transparently shared limits, then it is time to set chronic stressed win/lose compromises anticipations evolutionary theories existential angst depressions negative impressions aside To grab hold of cooperative systemic con-celebrating revolutions toward transliturgies enlightening empowering re-ligioned win/win SecularLeftMinded/SacredRightHearted ego-impassioned EarthHealth Justice resolutions Embracing Pleasure and Paradise, Power and Light, Earth and Heaven, Secular and Sacred, Deductive and Inductive cooperative GoodHumor, within NonZero-Soul's ubiquitous remainder.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2021

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