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Good Parenting, Part I

He moved about the shopping mall, was having a hell of a time, he knew just what he wanted here, but it was proving hard to find. He had quite a specific type, you could usually find it here, he’d always had an easy time finding girls here in the past years. Yes, he needed a young woman, ten to fourteen was the best age, you had to get their mothers too, they were usually willing to play. So he scanned round the big food court, looking for the pairs out shopping, he saw one by the pizza place, and towards them was now moving. A mother about thirty-eight, he always had been a good judge, a daughter maybe eleven, and bringing her in would be fun. So he sidled up to the pair, and painted on his best smile, said, “You want to make real money? Can I talk to you for a while?” The mother’s eyes went wide at this, she said, “Laura, we have to go!” Scampered away, looking frightened, he hated it when they said no. That girl had been a fine looker, you had to move when they were young, wait too long and the bloom faded, and soon enough they were all done. So he got up and scanned again, most people in here had no looks, but then back by the Chinese joint, was a Latina who looked good. He figured she must be fifteen, a little old, but not too late, her mother was not that pretty, but he realized that could be great. Give such people some attention they became putty in your lands, he knew he’d close the deal with them, the daughter would be in his hands. So he went up with a broad grin, said,”Hey, do you want some good work? I have connections you might like, can help out both you and your girl.” The mother’s eyebrows narrowed tight, “Marlena, right now, come with me!” She looked backed at him, dagger-eyes, getting away in a hurry. He sighed again, shaking his head, why had everything seemed to change? This used to be so damn easy, had the whole darn world gone deranged? He looked again, after a bit, saw a brunette, pretty, youthful, her mother was quite hot herself, maybe he could get a double... CONCLUDES IN PART II.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2023

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