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Gone Too Soon

Remember them good old day's that was fill with humour Boy I tell you there were the best Laughter was in the air like blooming flowers I could say we had our bad times But we always find our way no matter what be the situation I ain't gonna lie I hated you at first But the things I saw you do for family capture my eyes People idolise you down to the bone A great person you was no doubt about it But every great person has greater enemy When I had heard what happen I doubted those words over and over It hit me like a train you would not believe the pain So young but yet so fantastic We'll miss you forever No amount of time could replace these feelings I'll cherish what you taught me And for sure carry on your will For I could say you were gone so soon Without a trace of warning You left so much behind May god guide your soul to heaven gates As you watch over me from the sky This is my cry now and forever Rest in Peace

Copyright © | Year Posted 2019

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Date: 3/1/2021 2:05:00 AM
....nice write....times dissapear for sure but....andt, yes it is 'what' we glean that becomes our futures smiling fabrics.... ....stan sand
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