Going, going, gone
Sometimes life gets so weary
And it is hard to move on;
I look back on yesterdays
When I was once young and strong.
Now each step is much shorter
And the old bones feel the chill,
While ev'ery road I look on
Seems to be going uphill.
Many years ago I ran
In hopes I could get ahead,
Yet I lived not for futures
But for the moment instead.
The seasons changed so quickly
And my youth was left behind;
It was predicted to me
There'd be times that were unkind.
Like the trees that bend in winds,
I stoop closer to the ground,
And with every day I toil
It takes longer to rebound.
The songs that I used to sing,
As I worked throughout the day,
Are but now forgotten words
And tunes that soon fade away.
Where was I the day before?
I do not recall this room.
The lack of sunshine outside
Makes me think I'm in a tomb.
But then, again, I'm alive
Even though I am not free;
I can still smell the flowers
Thought it's my mind that can't see.
Copyright © Daniel Larson | Year Posted 2024
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