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God's Banana Skin

Or.... What Love is really all about. The Dictionary definition really doesn't help us much; "Warm liking, or affection;" no... not quite; it lacks a certain touch of magic... but, when you consider it's the concept, deeply thought out by some dusty academic; little wonder it is fraught with mediocrity, but, then... about the passion, and the pain; the tightening throat, the trembling doubt; his love of books... not quite the same. I think, a closer definition...if, indeed, there's one at all, is, Love is God's Banana skin; encounter it... you slip... you fall. And, He must have a sense of humour; think of all the stupid things we humans say and do when love engulfs us with luxuriant wings. I mean... when first in love, how our brain softens, and we cannot think or speak in normal conversation... into baby-talk, we sink. The child-like actions... tickling, nibbling; feeling we could almost fly; Yes, you can almost hear the laughter echoing down from up on high. Love has a different set of rules... a much more tolerant mental state. No matter, if your lover's body fails what fashion now dictates... or accidentally breaking wind, whilst making love... calamity! Collapsing in each others arms... both giggling, uncontrollably. Blind to those annoying habits we all share, it must be said; Underwear dropped in the corner... biscuit crumbs left in the bed; toothpaste tube squeezed in the middle... leaving up the toilet seat; my last damn razor has been used by her to shave her legs... how sweet. Perhaps, your definition strives to reach Romantic's heady feel for love, but, this is what you get... if you are fortunate; it's real consideration for your needs; warm contentment, company. Hearts and minds in step, together... and that's good enough for me. The poems and the songs of love, though charming, just cannot begin to weave the magic found when you've just stepped on God's Banana Skin.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2024

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