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God Shrugs

"It's time to shut it down, my Lord, the experiment has failed. They just get crueler day by day and thousands more are jailed. And jail just makes them meaner, their hearts are filled with hate. They're cesspools filled with violence and racism and rape. Some fourteen million children in America alone go hungry each and every day with no place to call home. The government has lost its way, it's evil and corrupt. It wages war and causes death and folks have lost their trust. The idle rich spend millions to satisfy their lust, while crummy jobs and lousy pay cause tempers to erupt. They turn to drink to ease their pain, which only fuels their rage, they violently attack the ones they're impotent to save. Much hatred builds around the world and thousands die in vain. Forgive me, Lord, for telling this, but they do it in Your name. I think we need to shut it down, the karmic toll alone would take a billion years to clear, they'll never make it home. We've tried to thin the veil a bit in hopes that they would see that they must fill their hearts with love to live eternally. A few have seen Your light, my Lord, but they're greatly overwhelmed; it's time for drastic measures, Sir, You need to take the helm. And don't try that Messiah thing, that really was a bust, His message got so twisted, His words were less than dust. Perhaps they need more schooling in a safer, spiritual plane. We need to reel them back to us before it's all in vain." So the many eyes of God that day finally turned to see, and was appalled by what He saw, such pain and misery. And then He turned His many ears and focused on the Earth, but He was almost deafened by the way His name was cursed. "I've been remiss," He shook His head, "and left them far too long. I've lead My lambs to slaughter and Satan has grown strong." He shed a giant Godly tear and heaved a Godly sigh and snuffed the flame of life on Earth and never said goodbye.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2008

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Date: 11/8/2008 5:58:00 PM
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