God Said, Be Still
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This happened 4 weeks ago to my grandson. I started a prayer chain for him as he was fighting for his young life. The doctors said he should not have made it. He was shot 6-8 times, had to have major surgery and we are blessed he is still alive. Please pray that he realizes that God saved him for a purpose and that he turns his life over to Christ and for his continuing of getting better. They arrested both men suspects that came from a bush shooting and over $30.00. Praise God!
Hugs, Nicole
A young man was "set up" to die
Ran from the bullet that missed his eye
So, he was shot in the back instead
Shot multiple times, hoping he was dead
They kept shooting him his body ajar
He was trying to drag himself to his car
He was desperate now, God said, "NO"
"It is not time for this child to go"
Only eighteen God had a plan
"Be still, my son, and know that I am God,
I will be exalted among the heathen,
I will be exalted in the earth"
The young man saw God's work so true
He made it to the hospital, still living too
He should have died from such injuries
It was another of God's loving mysteries
Believe in the Bible, Psalms 46: 10
He brought a boy from a storm he was in
God asked him to be still and let Him shine
I shall hold you near and you will be mine
Copyright © Nicole Alexander | Year Posted 2018
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