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God Made What

My mind broadsided by my great-nephews imagination I heard… “When God made “Spongebob”, we weren’t here.” Curiosity, the controlling force that it is made me ask, “Where were we?” 5-year olds’ ideas are often in bold primary colors. Another brain-broadside, “We went to that other place, you know, Heaven, so God could Create “Spongebob. Nobody, not even us were in the whole galaxy.” Now, who would have thought that God would need to shutdown An entire galaxy for such a task? It must have been a hullabaloo of a re-boot! Ah, the tune to which a young imagination dances... A unique creation, seconded only by the images that it paints.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2018

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Date: 12/10/2018 7:55:00 PM
My best poetry, my very best, are out of the mouths of the 5 and 6 year olds. Funny, my friend! Love it!
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M. L. Kiser
Date: 12/12/2018 4:51:00 AM
5 and 6, the colorful ages; if they could go on forever...well, there's always a few newborns, working on their storytelling. I'm glad you enjoyed it.
Date: 12/8/2018 8:42:00 AM
I must share this with my dear friend, Spongebob. He picked up the name from his pals at the fire department because of his unusually square chin. (Which I still don’t see). My kids adore him and they also adore the yellow one! Too cute!
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M. L. Kiser
Date: 12/10/2018 7:13:00 AM
It's a true story; share by all means. Thanks again.

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