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God Help the Brokenhearted

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God Help The Brokenhearted Christmas day has come again my heart and mind are torn. For the world we're living in and the King of Kings once born. So much of life a mystery of things still yet to be. With faith and hope just like the wind in things we cannot see. Looking back to yesterdays and when it all got started. God bless the children in the world. God help the brokenhearted. The moon and stars they shine so bright so far up in the skies. Still they go unseen sometimes for teardrops in our eyes. For missing those gone on before our love for them so true. Their leaving left us grieving and they now reside with you. Hurting still we always will ever since the day they parted. Shine a light for us today God help the brokenhearted Edwin C Hofert

Copyright © | Year Posted 2015

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