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God and the Fantastic Four

Prophet Mohammad is the first Leader of the Universe He is as dear to God as His heart and the Best Friend of God He is the symbol of God’s innermost layer of glow That is the glow of kindness, the white and silver glow This glow has maximum density and minimum shininess That’s why we’ll be able to stare at God’s body. Prophet Jesus is the second Leader of the Universe He is called the Soul of God because he is so dear to Him. He is like the Son of God and is the symbol of God’s body and peace. God has seventy thousand layers of His glow Each layer has a different color and characteristic Prophet Mary is like the Beauty and Purity of God She is the third Leader of the Universe And she is the symbol of God Herself. Imam Mehedi is the fourth Leader of the Universe And he is the symbol of God’s outermost layer of glow That is the glow of pride, the yellow and golden glow This glow has minimum density and maximum shininess.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2011

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Date: 1/24/2011 10:14:00 AM
Very enlightening! Thank you! Steve
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