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God and His Vibes

We "Wonder" how the sick body can be healed? Neurogenesis brings about the reversal of physical pathological states that will exist in the "Human Body"!Neurogenetic exercises reduce pathological states in many different parts of "The Human Body"!This new discovery of "Neurogenesis will lead to rejuvination in any part of "The Human Body"that may be pathologically affected,and is dying!Neurogenesis with directed practice of the brain to heal its body parts can cause the body part to be healed! The plastiscity of "The Human Brain" is increased with"Brain Exercise" as Richard Restak explains in ways to exercise the brain!The "Brain Itself" can heal itself with "Connectedness'!The Brain Itself" is connected with it's "Creator"! "I call him GOD! There is a hidden "FIRE" inside of you and me,and we realize that there is a fire hidden from you and me! We walk day by day,and follow on the road that lies ahead!We are willing to walk to "Eternity"! "Time Stops at "The Speed of Light" ,and that is reality! We move beyond "The Speed of Light"! The "Power In Us" is to move and "Live"! Neurogenesis moves beyond "The Speed of Light",and that is why we "PRAY",and "SEE" another "LIGHT"! We see another "SIGHT" in another undiscovered "Light"! Physics can not see the light of neurogenisis,and neurogenetic growth through of the dendrites,and the synaps at the synaptic sites!Neurogenesis is factually,and physically correct ,and right! We do not say goodbye: We do not change: We just grow genetically to be factually real and true! We realize "Eternity",and that is what "Physics" has not done for me and you!My "Cellphone" just "Blew"!My neurogenetic connection just "Grew"! We can find "The Master" who is "True"! This is what my cellphone could not do! The "Master True" stays in touch with me and with you!

Copyright © | Year Posted 2019

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