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Today we drove from Wolf Point, Montana to Minot North Dakota making one major stop on the trip… at the Dakota Drug Store in Stanley, North Dakota to enjoy a Whirla-Whip. What makes this treat so special and why we had to stop today is they have the only remaining original Whira-Whip machine in the entire USA. In the 1930’s Whirla-Whip thought they knew what their customers deserved. Their machine took frozen ice cream…mixed it with other flavors and, voila, the mixture came out soft serve. What made this machine unique, still does, in the 1930’s speak…it was dreamy how frozen ice cream went in…and came out smooth and creamy. Whirla-Whip didn’t take off like they hoped it would… soon these machines were nowhere to be seen… replaced by soft serving establishments…like those at Dairy Queen. But the Dakota Drug store’s Whirla-Whip remains… and as far as ice cream on this trip…we haven’t had our quota… which brought us to this soda fountain…in Stanley, North Dakota. We shared a spoonful with each other…but the rest ate a capella I had chocolate with brownie cake and peanut butter Deborah…vanilla, peanut butter…with Nutella. And it was smooth and it was creamy…but what really blew us away were the people we met and talked to…at the soda fountain that day. Two air force men (I must be getting old because they looked more like boys) talked with us a bringing us such joy. And we stayed and talked with the three young girls the ones who made our Whirla-Whips We talked about their winters in North Dakota… and they asked us about our trip. If I had to describe, so far, each part of the first 3000 miles of our trip I’d have to say it’s been amazing…and a lot like our Whirla-Whips How different people, each with different flavors, mix together… just as we did at the Stanley, North Dakota Drug Store…. and how those flavors once mixed together… come out tasting better than each flavor did before.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2024

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