Girl With the Red Parasol
Pretty girl in pink dress, was fair with curly hair,
Her red parasol was open, though sun wasn't there.
Sitting on rocks, she gazed at sea and silently cried,
I asked her what made her cry, she never replied.
Sea was roaring, violent waters touched the shore,
Step by step she came to me, with her tears so pure.
In her quietness, some sorrow she tried to hide,
Then I came to know, her little goldfish had died.
Deeply she loved her pet, tears didn't stop to roll,
While the strong winds blew away her red parasol.
She ran, got the grip and I could hear her laugh,
As the callous winds had torn the parasol to half.
She left the shore and waved me with empty hand,
I watched the tides erasing her foot prints on sand.
June 30, 2016.
The Red Parasol by Alfred Glendening - Poetry Contest
Sponsored by: Eve Roper
CONTEST NO 204 any form-theme max of 16 lines - Poetry Contest
Sponsored by: Brian Strand
Copyright © Meenakshi Raina | Year Posted 2016
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