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Ghost Dance

The faithful eyes of the moon Gathering tears from the Paiute tribe and Falling unto the arms of the sacred ghost dance Known as the medicine man, the visionary Wovoka, Descendant of Prophets and shamans, Both the women and the men singing, Chanting and performing the spiritual ghost dance The ghost dance is a resurrection of the dead Soon, the Indian dead shall return to us, The old way of life, Escaping the civilization of the intruders Listening to the thunder beneath our feet, Bringing us the ghost dance The ghost dance is a wildfire, Spreading to other tribes Can you hear the ghost dance, Among the Plains Tribes, Sioux, Arapaho, Peyote, and Lakota Can you feel the lightning strike your heart The soul drifting unto a deep trance Rejecting the religion of foreign intruders and Removing pain and suffering from our great land Then, returning us back to the days of plenty We the people of the sun, dancing, until we fall For several days, we dance around the big circle, As we follow the curve of the sun We are a spiritual people, Connected to Mother Earth Pray and listen to your grandfather, the creator Wounded Knee shall not taint the spirit of the ghost dance, Living in the heart and soul of the Native American Indian

Copyright © | Year Posted 2009

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