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At the Mount of Olives, in a garden called Gethsemane Jesus asked His friends, “Please, will you all stay here and pray with me?” It was after supper and He knew His time would quickly come So, He prayed for strength to do the things that He knew should be done. He looked at His friends and found that they had all fallen asleep So, they did not see His sorrow and His pain ran very deep. “Can you not keep watch,” He said, “And stay awake a little while? Pray to God with all your heart that you’ll not undergo the trial.” He cried to His Father, time and time and time again did speak. “Willing is the Spirit but the flesh is oh so very weak. Father, take this cup from me before I freely drink my fill. But, Father, not as I want, I come to do Your holy will.” Ministered by angels, who came round to offer strength to Him, From His brow the blood did flow, and pain racked Him in every limb. Finally, the soldiers came and all His friends just ran away. And then, by His own disciple, with a kiss He was betrayed…

Copyright © | Year Posted 2025

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