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Gator Bait Series 4th At Your Discretion With Intention

It's that time of year again, when eliminating unwanted baggage or trash ( your choice)...we have ALL the options available to you..start your " New Year " with a clean slate....Join us for our first year anniversary date... Thanks to all for a dream come true... I couldn't have done it without all of you... So jump in your car...and bring a friend... Make all your troubles come to an END... Wahoo..Wahoo... we opened store three.... So hope you'll join us , so you can be FREE !!!!! Looking to get rid of unwanted, useless baggage...? Due to abuse, you have an advantage... mental or physical it doesn't matter... or just not meeting your criteria..what's sadder ? Having to live everyday when not happy... doesn't help your attitude , makes it rather crappy... Look no further... we have the solution.... and can bring the " issue " to a conclusion.... Call today for the information.... as we now do business throughout the nation.... No mess, no fuss, just leave it to us... No questions asked, as this is a simple task.... So don't wait, and do not hesitate... All this compliments of " Gator Bait "....... * limited time offer...recommend a friend...and get 60% off each one you send...!!!! PS: do yourself a favor and read the previous writes regarding " Gator Bait " and hopefully all will make sense...

Copyright © | Year Posted 2013

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Date: 4/28/2014 6:09:00 AM
Awesome write, Congrats on your poem being featured this week, Ki
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Kj Force
Date: 4/28/2014 1:18:00 PM
thank you Dr.Ram...for your comments on my featured poem...reading the rest of the series, will clarify the " state of mind ", and how we cope with issues...
Date: 10/18/2013 6:22:00 AM
Who would resist such an invitation/ Having provided such detailed information? Welcome, welcome my dear ki force, may inspiration guide you as always! Wonderfully done!
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Kj Force
Date: 10/18/2013 11:39:00 PM
Thank you for the welcome and comment... did you read any of the other poems in the " Gator Bait " series ?

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry