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Gander through time

Luminous miscellaneous adorn my crown, Frills and strawberries, Thorny circlet dusted with a light layer of twinkle, As my eyes hysteric with confusion muse on this loss. I gather the lumps of loaf crossing the border of light toddling and traversing through the hues of bent butter beauties drooping into the worn old stone one foot forward of the other two stayed peering past my grandfather built all this. silver lick of hair stuck to his brow that little rhythm in his hands trembling like the trickles of water heaved, trodden, beat and brandished by the river rover. oxidized poles decorated with patched quilts and marked clothes trodden through top soil of the hearth of the earth will i even sense this again? this burrowing thing inside of me borrowed from ages long past their prime will i too become another fleck on the sun scorched sill ?

Copyright © | Year Posted 2024

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Date: 5/5/2024 11:56:00 PM
Thanks for sharing this... exposing your thoughts through your unique poetic style. Welcome to Poetry Soup. I welcome you with the love of the Lord, expressed by John 3:16 of the Bible, "For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life." Be blessed.
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Date: 5/4/2024 2:07:00 PM
Hello Kate. Welcome to poetry soup! This is a very moving poem. Look forward to reading more if your work. All the best :-D
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