Gainst Wind and Tide
(for Bryan)
Still now, she lies there gently,
as the dawn begins to rise;
and dares to men forsake her,
for some surer, safer climb.
She whispers, in the evening,
when the quiet holds the night;
and beckons to them gently,
in the wake of hellish fight:
"Oh, turn your gaze to land then--oh,
give up your precious dreams,
and "...remember when..." the days"...back then..."
you tried to tame the seas.
But oh, if courage bind you,
and an endless treasure seek,
then press your will 'gainst wind and tide,
and spend a while with me!
You'll stand against the raging storm,
you'll master every sea,
and when, come time,
to land again: “A Captain you shall be!"
Copyright © Bradley Howey | Year Posted 2022
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