Fyi Talking 'Bout You, Reverb
Think, your rhymes are quick and rapid No record, on the wall? Aah! Snap, it went placid Tell’n me all how, you did this and that, rat a tat tat but it doesn’t matter, coz when it hits the fan, you are shattered Your rap's are just RIP’s, while tryn to give your cousin’s, the slip
You ain't lived the Dozens and my roots, aint under your whip While your mind's a buzzin, you want respect, show me your intellect Not how many, brother’s and sister’s you done rekt Your eyes roll on fleek, coz now you lost the beat Let me, slo-mo matrix’s style and then repeat It’s not bullet time, so just chill and don’t take the pills The drugs-n-thugs, got swept under the rug, need a refill? Thinking, you’re off the hook , read a book! Absurd, you think but in word, you’re just a reverb
Copyright © John Beam | Year Posted 2018
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