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They say time heals all wounds A truth I've known since never I don't think that angry, screaming teenage girl inside ever let anything heal Even on my best days, she's there Lighting matches and salting slugs Shes anything but gray or unmoving She isn't sulking around or indifferent No That'd be unbearable for her You'll know as soon as she's walked in the room and you'll know the second she leaves Her presence is intense She's mad Irate Agitated to an extreme Injustice all she knows Betrayal is all she feels Corruption is all she sees Fury is all she can fathom to be She's demanding, direct, and destined for the hell she must have escaped from "Fire, you say? Burn it SET FIRE TO ALL REDUCE IT ALL TO FLAMES WHILE I MARCH TO THE HEAT OF ITS OBLITERATION!!" She can be... let's just say.. a bit dramatic She likes to be front and center And when she's not, that only means she's digging around for more matches somewhere close by A constant underlying energy of angst and passion that boils insufferably Under every interaction Behind every experience I live She's there And when I'm alone, She's still scorching As I meet her gaze And I embrace that raging blaze of a girl As she purifies me to ashes I've never felt such warmth from something so dangerously destructive I've never seen such a burning brightness Shining from a girl who never knew how to love without dimming her own light

Copyright © | Year Posted 2023

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