From the Resilient Ones
Do not give in
to lethargy
and despair
And do give joy
to recreation
and compassionate repair
Despite stained vulnerable underwear
in need of more transparent air
Do not lose faith
in what
and whom
you can affluently touch natural
yet seldom effluently feel spiritual
Do not lose hope to addiction
to shame
hoarding cash
and shortage self-blame
when you might better cooperate
deeper co-invested co-mediations
hear healing voices
without risking hurtful choices,
smell as present therapeutic being
yet losing passion's taste
over-informed thus divisively deformed
by past re-becoming trauma,
understand integrity's win/win truths
but never know synergy's joyful beauty,
listen for compassion
from Mother's sacred womb
yet seldom solely speak,
much less soulfully sing,
left inside
of right outside
loving souls
of copassion embodied
fertile soil
With regenerative issues
in-between not negative 1's
and positive eco-polycultural 0's
brilliantly full
equals more than not yet empty
Joyfully up
co-invested outside
yang natured
secular polynomials,
and yet also sacred polytheistic,
exegetical nutrition narratives
like Communion
and ThanksGiving Harvest
stories of how we have globally become
unconditional gift compassions
and not so much RightWing
LeftBrain dominant competitions
Regenerating polyvagal neuro-systemic voices
of win/win cooperation
more than win/lose
more than lose/lose
of indigenously wise choices
for comprehensively felt
ego/eco-greening co-resilient
co-operative brilliance,
restorative eloquence.
Copyright © Gerald Dillenbeck | Year Posted 2022
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