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From the ravine to a straight road

Ravine: Oh road , you're on the straight and narrow Your path is so very shallow And the beings that pass by oh so mellow Everyone's a jolly good fellow Road: Dear ravine with your twists murky and deep The deer indeed afraid to sleep As the stealthy lion with his roving eye From afar spies fair Game With alaricity jumps on his prey to tame The taste of different meat is never the same Enough about the hunter, let's go to the topography Majestic hills exuding poise over landscapes Their peaks shimmering with the light of the sun Slicing through the ice like a knife And rivers which gurgle and sing As their forge their merry part through the spring Valleys so deep trenches so dark No man fallen there can even holler hark Different are we in our paths Ravine:- Indeed you are a straight man Whereas I a sinner,twisted and hardened Yet the folks from my land more weathered and hardy Whereas yours soft as a changeling and tardy Road:-Hail Ravine, however different are we We reach the same spot by every decree I refined ,Whereas you rough We are essentially one in soul and being A team indeed as you are seeing Ravine:- Sister Road, you've indeed left me spellbound By this marvelous revelation profound

Copyright © | Year Posted 2024

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