From Joyce
Now my thoughts run wild this week. My mind gives a many a thought?
Enjoying the commercial for a while all over the world The answer I know not. Don't know?My Seven Sons!
Not when the story was told at ten years old My repeat Not me a fairy tale this must be my friend am only ten. I have no sons I am a Girl!
As a born complete veil child there are Laws
We are to respect loneliness. We are to respect, respect in anyone!.
We understand that understanding and God shows love.
We must carry the numbers given veil child one in 80,000
We must know the given inheritance plainly and this is my problem.- My mind questions about my Veil Sons spirit Existence? Will we Soulmate Husband wander blissful thoughts of our ideas and mysteries and wonderings! My birthday day wonders my born leap-year wonders my left hand wonder my right hand too that is unusual.
Where are the Seven Sons today that were born with the veil ? Are they the Energy Creations Makings in the mind the husband the Lord loves maybe the inheritance is clouds fire rain thunder the mind the season after season the howling hurricanes in whistle winds the answers the gentle breeze light shine brush the touch the waves of chills the thrill passes all understanding with yes and go. The heart the lips with kindness respect the framed creation of women.. And the all is gained for love will last a hundred years with interest. We were sent to create. What could this mystery that is coming to me my feel be. My Lord unfold to me what means so much to me! My Lord this is new bow my knees to grace What must I do?
The one a fleshly veil breathing band for me husband A just right for me says the heavens! Need to keep gaining faith in that message. This is hard to believe and a miracle from above with respect to my love teachers and protectors here and on the planet Earth the child understanding!
What are the Veil son's name?
Have you ever felt you met them? No at no time in my mysterious life.
You were told at ten years old do you think this story will fade in the energies of thieves? You will birth and learn your veil son's names because you are respected in your loneliness we sent gifts from the other side Places and things! the Universe.! am I Happy Yes and shy and uncertain about what father is doing?
Happy Birthday Child.
Happy Birthday My Love!
Happy Birthday to our beloved Inheritance!
A sent message Lord From where?
Copyright © Joyce Faure | Year Posted 2023
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