From Dream To Dream
Morning glows encounter
Youth awakening
Upon the dawn.
With morning dew
Moistening their brow,
They cry aloud with life's
Promising refrain;
Oh, sweet the future,
Sweet the dreams they dream!
Midday sun arrives
And brings the heat of trial,
With choice of path to make.
Temptation perhaps,
Will niche the way,
And strife with futile time
Marks well the passing
Of their strength.
Oh, precious are the days,
The days of which they dream!
The time past eve arrives
When darkness grows,
And the stars arrive
In velvet carriage.
Then becomes
An age of lending
Their dreams to romance,
To when gentle kisses
Prospered, lifting hope
For lives entwined,
And hearts remember,
Beyond their parting.
Oh, how short the years,
The years of which they dreamed!
Copyright © Virginia Mitchell | Year Posted 2010
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