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Empty in itself, the soul lives Feeling of loneliness thrives there within A sound of peace among the dark A soul search touch of humanity Days of friends gone, now aquaintances Work, life; everyday trails of consistent We cut ourselves off from society ways Raising kids, paying bills, a sun up sundown job We lose ourselves of our own doing Growing to adulthood,a life has past Some turn to whiskey in hopes of soaking New beginning, friends of different standings Living of a world, existing in our own What is it life offers except to live Friends, just like enemies out the woods In my own the only one I trust They come and go, some in betrayal Others, memories carry and people change Friends of my own domain dominance A trust only in one I find liability The delusion of man, untrustworthy in being Myself, I am my best of all Seeing is believing, attitude is everything But friends we are eternal souls Between the living and dead, darkness light Only one will you find any true

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