Freedom speaks
Things are so quiet
Letters don’t soar
No one talks at all
They try but they fail
Inaudible words excel
Forever i think that words don’t have sound
Only emotions can turn the world around
That's what we were taught
We were taught that we shall be silenced
That words won’t break us free
That we should take actions
We were taught to throw the first punch
Instead of using our words, we used anger
To satisfy our vengeance hunger
We weren't taught good actions from bad
We were praised for having violence
And bad emotions targeting people
We were taught that words were flagrant and should be banned
We silenced the only people who took a good stand
We were too scared so we didn’t talk
So whenever someone used words
We were desperately shocked
Even though some who visited never knew that we could understand
Or hear the words they used
Words do hurt I may say
But i’d rather hear those distressing words meant to hurt
Than be silenced and have no stand
So that day I got up too
I used my words
Those thoughts I kept in for so long
I Spoke my mind forever as time will go on
Copyright © Dawn Byndon | Year Posted 2025
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